Vincent C. is an artist from New Caledonia who started his music career in 2013. Initially, he participated in various...
MELONYX, a Nottingham-based duo comprised of Georgia Copeland and Nadia Latoya, has released their latest single “At The Door”. Their...
Check out a live performance of the song “Babaylan” by Ruhiya & Friends at the SOAS Concert Series in London...
“Ashufak Shay” is the lead single from the collaborative album Jarak Qaribak by Israeli singer/songwriter and producer Dudu Tassa (Dudu...
Chilean singer-songwriter Pascuala Ilabaca and her band Fauna have released a new EP titled Alegriste, which showcases her bold experimentation...
Afrodelic, a spell-binding mix of African poetry and modern sounds, is the solo project by Lithuanian guitarist and producer Victor...
Rafael and Pedro Pondé, two Bahian singers and songwriters who are also cousins, have released a single titled “Salvador Meu...
Fatoumata Diawara is gearing up for the release of her new album London Ko on May 12 releasing the first single...
Sankara Project is a musical collective formed by Lola and David from Torrejón, a city near Madrid, which blends reggae,...