Daily Discovery: Aboubakar Traoré & Balima – Sababu

Aboubakar Traoré, a kamélé n’goni master and exceptional vocalist from Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, now based in Brussels, has just released his new single, “Sababu,” from his upcoming album of the same name, set to drop on the 29th of November via Belgian label Zephyrus Records. The track combines the traditional storytelling of Mandingue griots with modern sounds, creating a fresh and engaging vibe.

Recorded with his talented band, Balima, Sababu is as a celebration of life’s potential and the thrill of exploring new horizons. The album mixes infectious rhythms with heartfelt ballads, tackling themes of love, social justice, and the rich heritage of African culture. Traoré’s evocative lyrics shine a light on the exploitation of Africa’s resources while honouring the strength found in family and community ties.

You can listen to and pre-order the album HERE