Afrobeat legend Dele Sosimi returns to Camden’s iconic Jazz Cafe with a special 60th birthday celebration show. As British-Nigerian afrobeat...
An inaugural festival is always going to be packed with risk and suspense, and after the downpour that Friday night...
Sunsets, swimming and sound systems. Tropical Pressure, set on a cliff on the coast of Cornwall, returned after a covid...
It always feels like a privilege exploring London’s EFG London Jazz Festival hosted by Serious Music. And this year they...
On Friday, they are going to be one of the very first acts to walk on the Woolwich Works stage...
Fans of afrobeat must not miss Afrobeat Vibration’s 9th anniversary, which takes place at the Jazz Café on December 15th. ...
Ten years of making radio and 500 podcasts, that’s what Mukambo is celebrating this week. So we have a special...
BCUC delivers a masterpiece on “Millions of Us”, trance-inflected polyrhythms and spoken word combining spiritual yearning and angry denunciation from...
By now, you should all know about Dele Sosimi‘s Afrobeat Vibration parties as being the most dance-worthy and afrolicious in...
Situated within close proximity to some of the festival’s increasingly populated hangouts at Wilderness, such as the Atrium, if you...
The holy trinity of pleasure, music that serves mind, body and soul. Cubafrobeat simultaneously feeds them all. The new Lokkhi...