Podcast: Rebel Passport at Womex with Aguamadera

This year’s editions of Womex and Exib Musica have offered us plenty of beautiful little musical surprises.

One of them, one of the most inspired and vivid ones, is Aguamadera, a project founded in 2015 by Argentinian Maria Cabral and Marco Grancelli re-discovering, making its own and re-interpreting the kaleidoscopic soul of Latin American folklore.

From Argentinian chacarera to Venezuelan joropo, and from Peruvian huayno to Brazilian bossa nova, the duo, which has now grown into a quartet and moved to France, travels far and wide across the Continent’s musical expression to create its own original sound.

…and it’s from that original and wide-ranging sound that our interview and Rebel Passport episode with Maria and Marco kicked off to eventually cover their inspirations, careers and French life…

Track list:

  1. Aguamadera – La Algarrobera (feat. Pablo Cruz)
  2. Aguamadera – El Gallo Maurice
  3. Aguamadera – Raíz (feat. Raly Barrionuevo)
  4. Aguamadera – Mi Canción
  5. Duo RuutLiisa Pehmes Süles
  6. Pascuala Ilabaca y FaunaDiablo Rojo Diablo Verde
  7. AguamaderaCuentapesares
  8. Aguamadera – Huayno de Sal


– Listen in to all of Rebel Passport previous episodes HERE