The first radio show of the year is full of musical encounters that transcend genres and defy borders. Fintou, the 5th album by French-Togolese afrofunk collective Vaudou Game, is in...
A quilombo or mocambo was a refuge for liberated slaves in colonial Brazil. Radio Mukambo is the asylum for those who want to escape the pop/rock/electro dictatorship, a place where you’ll find Afro-grooves from around the world.
From Brussels to the world, Radio Mukambo immerses you in Afro-grooves and the pulsation of our cities where sounds get mixed up to create global sounds without borders. Afrobeat, Afro-Latin & Afro-Brazilian, LusAfrican beats, soukouss, ethiogrooves, Arab beats, reggae/dub/dancehall and hip-hop with a ethnic/regional flavour & tropical bass.
Each podcast has an album of the week, a Benelux concert agenda and a lot of global sounds that will liberate you from the monopoly of commercial music.
[Podcast in English hosted by Benjaflor aka DJ Mukambo]