News: Farewell to The Forge (30th March 2017)

We had fun there, enjoyed inspiring shows and listened to fulfilling music. We have previewed, reviewed and covered many gigs in The Forge over the years (from Dub Colossus back in 2015 to CimbaliBand tonight) and we will miss The Forge, as much as London and its ever-shrinking music scene will miss it.

Tomorrow night, The Forge will close its doors for good. As Adam Caird (co-founder of the project) wrote on the venue’s blog yesterday: “The directors of The Forge have decided to close the venue from 1st April 2017. Running a music venue in these times is exceptionally tough and we have reached a point where it is time to close the doors and move on to new challenges.

We are immensely proud of what we have achieved over eight wonderful years and our heartfelt thanks go to everyone who has contributed to, and enjoyed this unique venue. We always strove to be as diverse, inclusive and welcoming as we could and we hope that these values have touched as many people as possible and will continue to do so”.

As writers, photographers, guests, gig-goers and genuine music lovers, we’re proud to have been a part of The Forge family. Good luck guys for your new challenges and we hope to attend many other shows hosted by your team in the future, whenever and wherever they’ll happen.
