The track “Nongqawuse” by the Johannesburg-based duo uKhoiKhoi, known for their Afro-futuristic style, recounts the sorrowful story of a young Xhosa prophetess whose predictions led to catastrophe. She foretold in 1856 that by slaughtering cattle and burning grain supplies, the Xhosa people could expel the British and regain their former prosperity. Instead, the outcome was a devastating famine, resulting in the British overpowering the Xhosa territories. The song encourages reflection on the historical and cultural impacts on the land and wealth of the Xhosa.
uKhoiKhoi, formed by Yogin Sulluphen and Anelisa Stuurman, is renowned for their live looping performances that fuse opera, traditional praise poetry, and rap, creating a unique Afro-futuristic soundscape. Operating out of Johannesburg, the duo unites to delve into their mutual KhoiSan roots, presenting a narrative that spans Africa’s history, its current state, and visions for its future.