Daily Discovery: Santiago Bertel x Elana Sasson – Panjareh (feat. Manos Stratis, Nikos Siderakis & Anthony Lafond)

“Panjareh,” composed by Elana Sasson and Santiago Bertel, is a musical tribute to the Woman Life Freedom movement in Iran and Kurdistan, and commemorates Nika Shakarami. The piece, which also features an instrumental version, blends Persian and Kurdish vocal traditions with Latin jazz piano, incorporating influences from jazz, Persian music, flamenco, and Afro-Cuban styles.

The collaboration between Sasson, a Persian/Kurdish vocalist and composer, and Bertel, a Colombian jazz pianist, explores a fusion of Middle Eastern and Latin musical elements, featuring original compositions and contemporary arrangements. The ensemble includes Elana Sasson on vocals, Santiago Bertel on piano, Manos Stratis on bass, Nikos Siderakis on oud, and Anthony Lafond on drums, together creating a sound that honours sacred traditions while embracing modern musical dialogues.

You can find more info about the collaboration HERE