Strings Between Us, led by Layil Barr, is a musical ensemble known for its unique fusion of sounds, particularly showcased in their single “Knitting.” This composition, featuring Layil on bass viol and recorder, Kadialy Kouyate on kora, Tom Hewins on double bass, Andres Ticino on percussion, and Mayte Beltran on Flamenco dance and footwork, epitomises their diverse musical approach.
“Knitting” originated as a collaboration between Layil and a West African band, where she was captivated by the combination of viol and kora. Over time, the ensemble expanded to include additional instruments, resulting in a dynamic fusion of styles.
The ensemble’s diverse backgrounds, ranging from Senegal to Spain, contribute to the rich tapestry of their music, celebrating both their similarities and differences. The inclusion of flamenco dance adds a visual element to their performances, enhancing the overall experience.
For more information about Strings Between Us and their single “Knitting,” follow this LINK