The single “Taxis,” from Chekbo‘s newly released self-titled EP, is inspired by Taxis Récit by Aïmen Laïhem. Blending traditional Algerian chaâbi music, French chanson with pop arrangements, the track pays homage to the city of Algiers, with lyrics reflecting both the novel and daily life in the city.
Laïhem’s Taxis Récit captures the life of a nameless narrator in Algiers, whose taxi rides become a reflective journey. In a bittersweet narrative, the narrator becomes both a passenger and commentator on his own life, observing the city’s people, their absurdities, and his own quest for meaning.
Chekbo’s music channels this melancholic yet vibrant atmosphere, seamlessly blending music and literature. Initially created to promote the book on social media, the project expanded into a French tour, combining literary readings and live performances, with stops in Lyon, Paris, and Marseille, culminating in Algiers.
With the release of the Taxis EP, Chekbo continues to explore the intersection of music and storytelling, offering a compelling tribute to Algiers and its rich cultural narrative.
You can find more info and listen to the EP HERE