Wiki -> Photographers -> Publishing

Uploading a Gallery

  1. Go to and login
  2. If you get redirect to another page after login just paste the address in step 1 again
  3. On the left hand side of the page is a black navigation bar hover over “Gallery” and click “Add Gallery / Images”
  4. To the left of the button “Add Images” type the name of the gallery SEE PAGE FOR NAMING CONVENTIONS
  5. Click on the add images button and select the images you want to upload, before you do this make sure you have read the IMAGE SPECIFICATIONS wiki page
  6. Hit the “start upload” button
  7. Once all the images have been uploaded send an e-mail to the person who is writing the article to let them know that the gallery is ready

Uploading a single cover image

  1. Go to and login
  2. If you get redirect to another page after login just paste the address in step 1 again
  3. On the left hand side of the page is a black navigation bar hover over “Gallery” and click “Add Gallery / Images”
  4. We will create an album in your called Cover Photos – YOUR NAME  Select this gallery from the dropdown menu next to the words “gallery”
  5. Select the image you want to upload and click “start upload”
  6. Once uploaded go to this page  COVER PHOTOS  click on your image, when it comes up in the lightbox drag it to your desktop and e-mail to the writer

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