This show is dedicated to the Angolan Independence Day, commemorated on the 11th of November of 1975, dedicated as well to its people and marvellous country. The show kicks off with Bonga and its wonderful voice, music’s extracted from his debut albums, Angola 72 and Angola 74, then we travel through the 60´s and 70´s which are the most relevant years to those generations, days of struggle and cultural affirmation alongside fighting for the independence… We then come to the 90´s and more recent years with some jazz/funk expressions from Gabriel Tchiema and Wyza and close with a project dedicated to the late Waldemar Bastos, an hip-hop interpretation from his work. Music is the glue that connects humanity as ONE!
(Aired on the Angolan National Radio on the 10th of November)
Track list:
- Bonga – Mona Ki Ngi Xica [from Angola 72; Morabeza Records, 1972]
- Bonga – Makongo [from Angola 74; Lusafrica, 1974]
- Elias Diakimuezo & Lourdes Van Dúnem – Ressurreição
- Waldemar Bastos – Sofrimento [from Preta Luz; Luaka Bo, 1998]
- Artur Nunes – Belina [from Reviver Vol 1, 2015]
- Luís Visconde – Chauffer de Praça [from Angola 60´s: 1956-1970, Buda Musique, 2000]
- Urbano de Castro – Merengue do Urbanito [from Urbano de Castro; Rebita, 1998]
- Os Kiezos – Princesa Rita [from Angola Anos d´ouro: Reviver os Kiezos; Sons D´Africa, 2015]
- João Morgado – Morgadinho [from Turma da Benção Apresenta: Joãozinho Morgado; KOP Records, 2021]
- Luís Quintero – Dale Palo [from Juanita Caramba; 1958]
- Paulo Flores & Carlos Burity – Poema do Semba [from Semba da Minha Terra (Músicas de Angola); Ducosphere/FLP, 2012]
- Nany – Merengue da Nany [from Ketas da Banda: Various Artists; Sons D´Africa, 2016]
- Ruy Mingas – Birin Birin [from Memória; Xi Amyé Mingas, 2011]
- Gabriel Tchiema – Azwlula
- Ruy Mingas – Meninos do Huambo [from Memória; Xi Amyé Mingas, 2011]
- Wiza – Kwassa
- Aguias Reais – Bazooka [from Angola Soundtrack 2; Analog Africa, 2013]
- Lancerdo – Esperança [from Angola: As 100 grandes músicas dos anos 60 e 70; [Disc 1]; Iplay, 2009]
- Batida – Bazuka (Quem me Rusgou) [from Dance Mwangole; Farol Música, Lda, 2009]
- Grand F – Sofrimento [from Mungueno, 2021]
- Rocky Marsiano – Meu Kamba [from Meu Kamba XL; Not On Label, 2020]
– Listen in to all of Out of Africa previous episodes HERE –