Earth Hackney hosted a vibrant show by Chico Trujillo as part of their 20th anniversary European Tour, Mambo Mundial. But this wasn’t an ordinary gig. It set the stage for a small protest against the current Chilean president for the handling of the riots currently engulfing their home country.
At 9pm on the dot, the lead singer “Macha” jumped on stage wearing his beanie hat and a black t-shirt with a black Chilean flag, singing “tus besos son” (your kisses are), a cool adaptation of the tropical song by Colombian singer Rodolfo Aicardi, sending everyone into a cumbia dancing frenzy. Slowly, more Chilean flags came up from within the crowd.
The show followed with a great repertoire of tropical, as well as Andean, rhythms, with hints of ska, hip hop and rock. Towards the end, the lead singer invited a group of followers from the crowd to deliver their message against the Chilean president. Then the show continued with another popular song that sent everybody jumping and dancing.
If fans thought this was going to be another ordinary gig, they were in for something special. This band doesn’t shy away from activism and showing solidarity with their adoring fans in such turbulent times for the people of Chile.
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