Daily Discovery: Rafael Beibi – Carimbó no Paraíso

Brazilian artist Rafael Beibi is set to release his debut solo album, Pra Não Cair Na Beirada do Mundo, Eu Aprendo a Voar e Dou a Volta Nele, on the 31st of May. The album features the lively single “Carimbó no Paraíso,” inspired by Pedro Luís and Ney Matogrosso‘s song “Jesus.” This track celebrates joy and festivity, capturing the essence of celebration in music.

Hailing from Piracicaba, São Paulo, Rafael Beibi blends pop with northeastern influences, showcasing his musical versatility. The album includes collaborations with musicians like Nicolas Krassik and Félix Robatto and was produced by Guegué Medeiros.

As part of Fuá do Guegué, Rafael is also set to release a new album in 2024 featuring Jota , Vanessa Moreno, and Pedro Altério.

You can learn more about his music on his official WEBSITE