Daily Discovery: Morena Leraba – Malishon’ilanga (Spoek Mathambo Remix)

The second remix from Morena Leraba‘s debut EP, Fela sa Ha Mojela, features South African artist, producer, singer/songwriter and MC  Spoek Mathambo‘s rendition of “Malishon’ilanga,” which brings a dynamic fusion of traditional Southern African rhythms and contemporary electronic music to the dancefloor.

This remix is part of a series that revisits each track from the EP, following an emotional remix of “Heleru” by Vox Portent, with additional remixes scheduled for release. Morena Leraba, a musician from Lesotho, has gained international recognition by fusing traditional Famo influences with modern music styles, contributing to various high-profile projects and collaborations.

Find more info and listen to the single HERE