Daily Discovery: 楼长Louzhang – Hills Rising

Louzhang‘s new single, “Hills Rising,” from the album Kings of Wells, is out now via the Shanghai-based label People Pump. As the founder of the experimental electronic band Irrelevant Trio, Louzhang delves into oriental futurism in this release.

“Kings of Wells,” Louzhang’s first full-length album released by the label, which specialises in oriental electronica, includes samples and field recordings from his hometown in southwestern China, featuring music from the Miao and Dong ethnic groups. Louzhang’s journey from the deep mountains to Shanghai and Los Angeles captures the interplay between traditional Chinese music and analog synthesizers, reflecting the spiritual dilemmas of contemporary Chinese artists.

He describes the album as a reconciliation with the past, merging childhood memories of ethnic celebrations with the current geopolitical landscape, creating a complex and profound sense of self-identity.

You can listen to and get your copy of Kings of Wells HERE