On the eve of his first UK tour for some time Rhythm Passport was privileged to interview one of the...
An hour before Vieux Farka Touré is due on stage at The Jazz Café during his UK tour, he generously...
Rhythm Passport holders, welcome back for the first post-holiday episode of Rhythm Passport Presents… on RTM.FM Autumn might be getting closer, still...
A highly expectant crowd of Kings Place world music regulars were treated to Vieux Farka Touré’s stunning guitarwork this Wednesday...
Vieux Farka Touré‘s sixth solo album, Les Racines [the roots], was released on June 10th 2022 via World Circuit. The album’s sole purpose was...
Nightshop show #99 October via Radio Campus Bxl with +3 hours of new global sounds, also broadcasted via Rhythm Passport...