Last Sunday the Upsetter Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry, the greatest producer of reggae history, passed away aged 85. He left us...
In times when the Afro-Brazilian bond is vilified and almost censured, an album like Bixiga 70’s Quebra Cabeça is more...
Heading to Womad or maybe you are already strolling along Charlton Park green, good and ready to enjoy the world music...
A full hour of dub on Radio Mukambo, starting with our album of the week Mandinga Dub by André Sampaio meets...
Bixiga 70 (who are ready to take London by storm with a show at the Jazz Cafe tonight) have just released one of...
They said you’d never forget your first time, and even if Bixiga 70’s performance at Rich Mix was your second, third...