Daily Discovery: Yeko – Dunia

The second single from Yohann Le Ferrand‘s Yeko” series features the exquisite vocals of SalimataTinaTraoré, delivering a meditative Afro-pop track. Her voice, marked by great sensitivity and humility, is complemented by the lyrical cello, captivating listeners and softly touching on themes of life on Earth and growth through challenges, as expressed in the Bambara lyrics.

“Dunia” is a showcase of Tina Traoré’s ability to blend lyrical depth with melodic beauty, reflecting the overarching aim of the “Yeko” project to merge traditional West African sounds with Western music influences.

This single was a precursor to the full Yeko album, which was released in January 2022 and included a series of musical portraits featuring various West African artists, each bringing their own story and cultural background to the collaborative project initiated by French guitarist Yohann Le Ferrand.

You can find mroe info and listen to the single HERE