On the 24th of February, London-based duo Faith i Branko will released its new album Duhovi anticipated by the single & clip “Techno”.
Duhovi (which translates to ‘ghosts’ or ‘souls’) captures the musicians’ musical journey from Serbia to the UK capital. It pays homage to four deceased musicians and friends who are featured on the record, and follows up to the duo’s acclaimed release Gypsy Lover also published via World Music Network.
The sound of the album is a fusion of the very different musical, cultural and personal backgrounds of the artists, reflecting the virtuosic Serbian-Romani violin and dexterous accordion playing accordion; a unique style which has led Faith i Branko to perform on some of the most renowned stages in Europe and release an award-winning documentary.
You can find more info following this link: https://worldmusic.net/products/faith-i-branco-duhovi