Daily Discovery: BaBa ZuLa – Arsız Saksağan

BaBa ZuLa has released their latest single, “Arsız Saksağan”, along with an official video from their upcoming album Istanbul Sokakları, set to release on the 8th of November, via Glitterbeat Records. The track blends Turkish psychedelic rock with electronic elements and critiques global capitalism, corporate greed, and rising social injustices. With its hypnotic rhythms and socially charged lyrics, “Arsız Saksağan” embodies the band’s signature fusion of traditional Turkish sounds, psychedelia and experimental music.

Founded in 1996, BaBa ZuLa is renowned for their genre-defying approach, blending traditional Turkish instruments like the electric saz with improvisation and electronic influences. The band’s live performances are celebrated for their theatrical elements, including belly dancing and elaborate costumes, creating a unique and immersive experience.

“Arsız Saksağan” introduces the themes of Istanbul Sokakları, which tackles political and social issues while reinterpreting Turkish musical traditions like the taksim. BaBa ZuLa challenges conventions through deep percussion, the electric saz, and experimental soundscapes, using their music as a tool for both cultural expression and political commentary.

You can pre-order or stream Istanbul Sokakları here