This show is a trip through world music and global beats searching for the Oneness in humanity, regardless of all...
Guedra Guedra‘s debut LP Vexillology is kicking down borders, offering listeners an experience made from hypnotic and rhythmic arrangements rooted in...
This week The Selenites Band takes us Behind the Mask to discover their original compositions where Ethiopian music of “Swinging Addis”...
Our show for March ’21 for Radio Campus Bxl & Rhythm Passport with 3,5 hours of new global sounds. 4...
This week Radio Mukambo celebrates legacies and honours legends. “Legacy +” is our double LP of the week, by Femi...
The 15th of October marks the anniversary of Fela Kuti, godfather of afrobeat, and is also the date Mukambo releases...
DOPE BEATS for DOPE PEEPS is the name of our album of the week, a compilation celebrating the 20th anniversary of...
Preview of the album: This Album is no longer available however if you want to receive exclusive access to a...